Saturday, June 6, 2009

To Do And To Know

Dear Alan,

I'm sorry that it's taken me this long to respond to your post. I had not realized that you had posted. There must be some sort of automatic notification system...I'll explore further...or maybe I'll keep saying I'll explore further and never actually get around to it. I say lots of things that never come to fruition. I suppose we all do, but it doesn't make it bother me any less. We do it to be PC, to get on with our neighbor, to be polite...but wouldn't it be better to just be honest? I feel like that would solve a lot of the world's problems, if we just said upfront exactly what we were and were not going to do, how something was going to go down. We we be better off for it, methinks. Then again, what do I know? Essentially, I only know school. It's all I've done. Oh yeah, I've done this and that over the summer...but really, I've done jack shit. My summer experiences were short-lived and limited in scope. It's why I'm OK with graduation. There's much more for me to see and do, much more to experience. That way, hopefully, one day, I can know.

Hmmm, there's more to say (like, actually address your post), but I have errands to do right now. This is a task for tonight, and I will get around to it.



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