Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Vibrancy of my Peers

Dear Chris,

I had previously thought of what I wanted to write, had a topic in mind. But I don't feel like writing about that. So I'm not going to. Instead, tonight is about what I have discussed this week with others.

I had a talk with David, in which he asked me how I would summarize my life story if I had to do it. After not-to-much thought, I told him that my life story would be first an acceptance of self, and revealing of self, and finally a search for self. Hopefully I will return to this subject.

Monday night Drum Major Dave came into town, and he visited. I thought it was interesting that one of the things he said was that he worked on the movie his year so hard because Oh-Sev would always give him a hard time about how uncohesive and lackadasical his class was, and he just wanted to show them wrong. I don't know what that says about anything, I just thought it was interesting.

I had a great discussion with Aditya today about organ donation. We agreed that it would be more just to give preferential treatment for organ transplants to people signed up as organ donors, as in a shitty choice between two people, it seems more fair. But Aditya was opposed to it purely on the grounds that that's not how medicine is run, not how the entire medical philosophy is set up. I see his point, but I feel like that idea, known as the LifeSharers Initiative, is interesting.

Back to the earlier bit. I find it sad that when I was younger I would hide my interests from the world. I remember in second grade I refused to read my story to the class, out of fear of them thinking it was stupid (it was really really bad Star Wars fan fiction). Then I remember not admitting that I was really into Pokemon, even though there really was nothing wrong with that. Even in high school, I hid or played down my interests to hang out with the "cool" smart kids in my year, even though I did and knew I would get along really well with the geeky anime Japanophile kids. That was silly of me (also, one had a huge crush on me that she let me know about a month before I left, and I put her down as gently as possible, although in retrospect that could have been a lot of fun). But so by the time I got to college, I think I have shed most of that (especially by this point, I feel like I more or less have a decent personality of my own). Now my problem is actually figuring out what that means.

Working Man's Dilemma! Of f to bed with me!



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